Regulation and Compliance - Co-Funding

Regulation and Compliance

Co-Funding was designed from the ground up to help developers and private investors comply with UK financial regulations.

Compliant by design

Co-Funding’s features were designed to be compliant with UK financial regulations, making it easier for you to ensure your projects are compliant without requiring you to do any costly additional work with solicitors or other third-party services. Co-Funding also meets regulatory standards with regards to data security and protection, including GDPR, PCI DSS and PSD2.

Legal GuidanceLegal, financial and regulatory documentation support

Adherence to GDPRAdherence to GDPR, PCI DSS & PSD2 data protection standards

Automated KYC & AMLAutomated KYC & AML, keeping you compliant at no extra cost

Save MoneySave money, time and hassle compared to traditional options

Legal Guidance Adherence to GDPR Automated KYC & AML Save Money

No FCA registration
affiliate requirement

Co-Funding’s platform is financial automation software designed for private investment management. The platform falls within the scope of FCA regulation but does not require FCA registration or affiliation. When used as designed, the management of your projects and investor funding will comply with UK FCA regulation.

Designed to complyDesigned to comply with UK Financial Services (FCA) regulation

No regulatory registrationCo-Funding platform subscription licenses do not require regulatory registration or affiliation

About feesNo associated regulatory fees

FCA registration
Designed to comply No regulatory registration No associated regulatory fees

We handle all of your sensitive information securely In accordance with the following data protection protocols:


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) governs how data is handled in Europe and the EEA. PSI DSS:


The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) handles debit and credit card transaction security and safety.


The Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2 or DSP2) plays a major part in regulating the payment industry in Europe & the UK.

We’re Co-Funding, not crowdfunding or collective investments:

It is important to note that Co-Funding differs significantly from property crowdfunding from a regulatory perspective. Unlike crowdfunding platforms that are open to external marketing to the general public and require you to be FCA regulated, Co-Funding is a private investor ecosystem specifically designed with all the tools to enable you to directly manage both your investments and your own personal investor network. Investment opportunities in Co-Funding are not designed to be marketed or promoted.

Co-Funding has also not been designed to support collective investments which are also FCA regulated products and require you to be FCA registered.


While Co-Funding’s features were designed to be compliant with UK financial regulations, the responsibility for ensuring each project meets those same standards rests with each individual using the platform. Co-Funding assumes no responsibility for ensuring that each project is compliant with regulatory standards.

Wantto knowmore?

If you'd like more information about how we handle regulatory compliance and data protection, feel free to get in contact with the Co-Funding team by clicking below, or checkout our FAQ section for more information